February 3-6, 2022
Activity Schedule
The detailed event schedule has yet to be determined. This is actually by design - see below. What we know is that each day (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) will have a similar structure.
A Casual Lunch
Chicago style hotdogs, pizza or one of them food halls.
An Afternoon Activity
A museum, shopping or a fun group activity.
Happy Hour at the Hotel Bar
Informal meetup before heading out for the evening.
An Upscale Dinner
Places where a skirt and heels would not be out of place.
An Evening of Live Entertainment
Blues, jazz, comedy, theater, burlesque or drag show.
A Late Night Activity
A rooftop bar or LGBTQ dance club.
Wow!! That sounds like an exhausting day, and it is. But remember, you need not attend every activity
- although we know you'll want to.
Our Online Community
A unique aspect of Paint the Town is that attendees will help develop the detailed activity schedule. The organizers will suggest a variety of potential activities and then poll the group to determine which is of the greatest interest. However, once the official schedule has been developed, attendees are welcome to self-organize activities that are distinctly off schedule - this is your time, so you should participate in activities that are of the greatest interest to you. We are here to provide a space for you to find companions for those adventures.
How does it work? Once you register for Paint the Town, you’ll be added to our social media chat groups. These will include Facebook and Instagram messenger as well as a dedicated private Discord server. You are likely familiar with the serial discussions on messenger, but might be new to Discord. Discord offers topical channels where parallel discussions can occur and is a bit more manageable for large group discussions. Regardless of how you want to interact, these chat groups will be the vehicle for event updates, discussions of potential event activities and general banter on any topic that might be of interest to the group. As we get closer to the date, we will create a Signup Genius RSVP page, where individuals can indicate which activity they are planning to attend - you have the right to know who is planning to join you for each activity. If someone is planning an off-schedule activity, then we will be happy include the activity on the RSVP page to help solicit companions for that off-schedule activity.
There is no registration fee
So, in the spirit of Chicago style voting, please feel free to register early and often.